In another stunning case of fake news, a whole host of blue checkmarks and ‘activists’ shared a story regarding Muslim U.S. Olympian Ibtihaj Muhammad being ‘detained after the ‘Muslim Ban’
According to Washington Examiner, Ibtihaj Muhammad made remarks on February 7th implying she was affected by Trump’s travel ban.
Muhammad, a lifelong American citizen, claimed in an interview last week that she was detained “just a few weeks ago” by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents. She said she was held for two hours without explanation.
In a hilarious twist of irony, a day after liberal tears were flowing over the poor Muslim Olympian that Trump detained at the airport, Ibithaj Muhammad admits the event occurred in December. In December 2016… before Donald J. Trump even took office.
Regardless of the facts, this is what Ibithaj Muhammad said in an interview with Popsugar:
POPSUGAR: Do you know anyone who was directly impacted by Trump’s travel ban?Ibtihaj Muhammad: Well, I personally was held at Customs for two hours just a few weeks ago. I don’t know why. I can’t tell you why it happened to me, but I know that I’m Muslim. I have an Arabic name. And even though I represent Team USA and I have that Olympic hardware, it doesn’t change how you look and how people perceive you. Unfortunately, I know that people talk about this having a lot to do with these seven countries in particular, but I think the net is cast a little bit wider than we know. And I’m included in that as a Muslim woman who wears a hijab.
The legitimacy of the story gets even worse, as Washington Examiner learned by speaking to a customs official they say has “direct knowledge” of the incident.
“She wasn’t targeted. The checks are totally random; random checks that we all might be subject to.”Muhammad was also not held for two hours, he said, adding that the entire ordeal wrapped up in under an hour.
Here is the tweet from Ibithaj Muhammad:
Here is the ridiculous virtue signaling from the sea of blue checkmarks and leftist activists just a day earlier…
Team USA's @IbtihajMuhammad, a Muslim American, talks Trump's travel ban and being detained at Customs. …
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